An In-depth Interview with a Doctor in Sexology
In June 2019, I was flown to Phnom Penh to give a Royal Package to a Cambodian business man who later on became a repeat client. While I was there,…
In June 2019, I was flown to Phnom Penh to give a Royal Package to a Cambodian business man who later on became a repeat client. While I was there,…
This training package is divided into 6 modules. The routine itself only takes 3 sessions to master. Learners don't have to buy the whole package but before they do the…
I never like drugs. Growing up with a drug addict, I know what it’s like to have a family member that will do everything from lying to stealing and even…
Reasons why you should know how to give a Sheila’s Approach Massage Sheila’s Approach Massage combined with Sheila’s Nuru can help men fight erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. This is…
Many male clients have asked me over the year if it loses its effect once it is done on their partner many times. I can guarantee that it will not…
I had been flown overseas before by a regular Japanese client but they were usually short trips, a day and a night to a nearby country such as Singapore and…
I ran into Daniel, a former nuru client the other day. I learned to know that he had been practising Tantric Meditation/ Tantric Sex ever since after our session a…
Stripteasing has been very popular in the West with mostly women as performers. In bachelor parties, it is a common practice for friends to buy the groom-to-be a striptease show…
Desire is no longer spontaneous for women in long-term relationship, which could be anything from 6 months to 18 months into relationship. This desire becomes more responsive, which means when…
Out of curiosity, I looked on Agoda to locate all the four and five star hotels that I have been to for the past 3 years. Here comes the list…