An account of a surprise birthday package.

On a beautiful Sun I received a message from an acquaintance. He wanted to get a package of Sheila’s Approach learning session and a nuru for his friend as a birthday present. I got to know him for a month. We chatted back and forth with him planning to have a learning session to make his wife happy. My client is a skeptical man and a worrywart. He was concerned about confidentiality and security of the love bird hotel and above all my preofessionalism. His tight schedule blew our plan many times and I started to forget about him. All change after that Sun. His friend’s place is kinda in the middle of nowhere, on the outskirts of HCMC. I was greeted by him and his friend. He briefed me roughly about their intention. Instead of buying their friend a crocodile wallet or a belt, they decided to get him an experience, which he hadn’t heard of before. My client introduced me with his friend and explained that I was here to deliver a birthday package then I was left with the birthday man. I walked him through everything and much to my surprise, he followed my instructions to the T.  I could feel the man’s interest increase after each stroke or touch. Since I couldn’t get hold of his sexual profile beforehand, it was like navigating through uncharted waters. This was not the first time I worked on someone that I had completely no idea of his background, English ability or job except his nationality. When it was towards the end of the nuru, I once again saw the same sign of multiple orgasm that I witnessed in a few cases before; his chest was swelling; he was panting and all the energy and blood was rushing back up; he wasn’t hard at all at that moment but he ejaculated. The moment his body shook due to orgasm I kissed his forehead and said Happy Birthday. He smiled broadly at me and I knew I just gave him an unforgettable birthday experience. He went downstairs and received applauses, whistling and congratulations from his friends. I don’t speak their language but I knew my birthday boy spoke greatly of the service he just received. After I packed my stuff and went downstairs, I gave another hug and wished him Happy Birthday. He assured me that his friends are all jealous now. It was surely a memorable day for me and for anyone that got involved in planning the birthday party. Needless to say, a few weeks later, my client booked a nuru for himself.